Flexibility Respect Honesty Transparency OUR VALUES At GEOREKA we value our core principles and it actually shows in our software. Not only is our software highly flexible in how modelling can be done, it is also transparent in how workflows are performed. This places control back in the hand of the users.
We are also just people and means we will make mistakes. When this happens, we will acknowledge and fix them as quickly as realistically possible.
In our communication you can expect honest and respectful answers even to the most demanding questions.

History Our story GEOREKA software was created by Hilco van Moerkerk. After several years of working in medical research and subsequently working for a well-known software company in the mining industry, he was so excited by the challenges in geological modelling that he decided to combine his skills and knowledge to develop his own 3D modelling software.

In 2012, the first lines of code were written from scratch using some of-the-shelf tools. It took several months to have the first version out, which was just a viewer for geological data. About 3 years later the first version with geological modelling capabilities was ready.

Since that time, 3D modelling has been the central focus of the software development. At the same time, with the participation in the 4+ million EUR Horizon 2020 research project UNEXMIN (continued through UNEXMIN GeoRobotics: www.unexmin-georobotics.com), research had become an ever increasing part of the work load. Through participation in the informal consortium 4dcoders (www.4dcoders.com), Hilco and GEOREKA as a whole, became a central part of the post-processing of underwater point clouds.

This in turn led to the participation in another multimillion Horizon 2020 project called ROBOMINERS (www.robominers.eu), where real focus on new concepts in geological modelling were investigated by  blending Machine Learning with implicit and explicit modelling. Accepted concepts like block models became questioned as well as how a model can be described all with the aim of making geological modelling aligned with robotics developments. This has led to the breakthrough, state-of-the-art modelling that is now part of GEOREKA software for all to use.

Research participation


Hilco van Moerkerk